Sunday, September 18, 2011

Obama To Propose $1.5 Trillion In Tax Increases Tomorrow

The deficit plan by the numbers:


  1. So, we are all just barely able to keep our heads above water and Obama wants to shove a fire hose down our throats and turn it on full blast?

  2. If O. were serious about ending the Bush tax cuts, he could have refused to let them be extended when he had the power to do just that.

    Now, he needs a Republican House to go along with him on tax increases—nearly impossible.

    I'd say this is proof he has no real principles, but just wants to feather his cap for the election.

  3. Your kidding rite ?? this will go no where. maybe .4 Trillion, but i doubt even that.

  4. This must be a joke...right?? Why don't they make it 4 quadrillion dollars. 1.5 trillion is lunatic talk.

  5. Where is this information from? I cannot believe that Obama will even propose ending the wars and taxing the filthy pirates who make all the money in this country.

  6. Me neither defenestration,me neither! Interesting name you have there.
